ph: (914) 245-7609
fax: (914) 245-7631
1099s: Have to be filed with government by February 28th and mailed to payees by January 31st. If we are preparing them for you, there will be a nominal fee of $ 5.00 per 1099 and a minimum fee of $25.00. We have to do this at this time due to the cost of software and form/envelope costs. We will require that we have your data by January 20th in order to insure timely and accurate preparation of the forms.
LLCs: New York LLCs must file Form IT 204 LL by January 31st. This can be done online through the NYS website or we can prepare them for you upon request. This service will remain gratis.
Calendar Year Corporations: Need to be filed by March 15th (both C and S Corporations). There are now significant penalties for late filing of S Corporations.
Partnerships and Multi Person LLCs: Due date is still March 15th but remember neither you nor your partners can file their personal returns without them being done. As with S Corporations there is a significant penalty for late filing: $195 per partner per month until filed.
ph: (914) 245-7609
fax: (914) 245-7631